Teaching online is one thing. Teaching beginners online is something else entirely. How do you help them understand? Can you still use breakout rooms? Is it possible to follow the usual lesson frameworks, or do you have to change your approach completely? This course has all the strategies you need to make it work. Teaching beginners online doesn’t have to be stressful!
Course Curriculum
Teaching Beginners Online
Available in
after you enroll
StartTeaching Beginners Online GUIDE
StartVideo 1: Techniques for Teaching Lower Levels (33:29)
StartVideo 2: How to Teach Beginners Online (52:03)
StartObservation Video: A Listening Lesson (cooking competition) (60:17)
StartObservation Video: A Systems Lesson (prepositions) (58:21)
StartQuiz: Teaching Beginners Online
StartLesson Plan 1: Nationalities
StartLesson Plan 2: Everyday Objects
StartTeaching Beginners Webinar Recordings (210:51)
Start*Bonus* Live Lesson Planning Workshop Recording (64:31)